
Prof. Filippo Drago

  • External Event Speaker

Über Prof. Filippo Drago

Filippo Drago is Full Professor of Pharmacology and Chairman of the Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance Unit, University Hospital, Catania. He is Chairman of the Master in Regulatory Disciplines and President of the Research and Consultancy Activity Centre for HTA and Drug Regulatory Affairs at the University of Catania. He was Member of the Scientific Committee and of the Price/Reimbursement Committee of the Italian Agency of Medicines.
His basic research activity has been directed to different fields of Pharmacology ranging from Neuropsychopharmacology to Ocular Pharmacology and has focused on several topics such as endocannabinoids, neuropeptides, and the pharmacological treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia, major depression and Alzheimer’s disease. As a regulatory consultant he has made a lot of work assessing the efficacy/safety profile of a great number of drugs, and in HTA and access of drugs, in particular in the field of rare/orphan diseases and oncology.
He introduced the “success fee” as a managed entry agreement in the negotiation procedures of the Italian Agency of Medicine. In the field of Clinical Pharmacology, he studied the value-based pricing of anti-cancer drugs and the management of pain therapy. He is member in the International Advisory Council” at “Human Health Education and Research Foundation”.