Philip Daus

Über Philip

Philip is a Partner and Head of the Houston office at Simon-Kucher. His project work focuses on the development of growth and monetization strategies and results-oriented pricing and commercial excellence programs. With more than 17 years of consulting experience working for B2B and B2C companies and Private Equity, Philip has conducted more than 100 pricing and commercial excellence projects and helped companies create over five billion dollars in enterprise value. Philip’s areas of expertise include market segmentation and go-to-market strategies (top line driven), digital transformation, pay-for-performance systems, discounting and peer pricing systems, price negotiation support, and sales incentive systems.

He has written more than 40 articles and studies about pricing and sales strategy and is a regular keynote speaker at international conferences. Philip is an associate professor at IE Business School in Madrid, where he teaches pricing strategy in the MBA and Executive MBA programs. He is a guest lecturer at Rice University, the University of Houston, and the Simon School of Business (University of Rochester). Philip earned his MBA from IE Business School and his MSc from WHU Vallendar, Germany. In addition, he studied abroad in Spain (ICADE), Brazil (FGV), and India (IIMB).