State of Pricing 2024: What you need to know

Explore the latest analysis and insights from our Global Pricing Study.

Is your pricing strategy driving growth?

Gain valuable insights into the latest pricing trends and profit outlooks.

Over the past 12 years we’ve studied ~19,000 companies across all industries and regions – creating an unrivaled database of pricing trends and profit outlooks.

The Global Pricing Study is the largest of its kind. Each edition provides a clear view of the emerging trends, competitive landscape, and growth potential.

Explore the results and gain a competitive edge in optimizing your pricing strategies.

5 key pricing trends to watch

The Global Pricing Study offers a deep dive into the global pricing and growth strategies of a diverse range of companies. Our comprehensive research is the largest of its kind. Each edition provides a clear view of the emerging trends, competitive landscape, and growth potential, regionally and within industries. Explore our global pricing analysis to gain a competitive edge in optimizing your pricing strategies.

Price war persistence

In any given year, about half of all companies are involved in a price war in their industry. And most blame others for starting them. But who ultimately wins here? No one!


Pricing pressure cooker

Every year brings greater price pressure for companies. The number reporting increased price pressure has dropped over time, but 3 in 5 are still feeling the effects. The main driver: Increased transparency empowering customers and disruptors alike.


Planning isn’t achieving

Implementing a price change is only the first step. Companies realize less than half the amount of their price increases on average. How to fix this? Pricing power


Innovation value challenge

Year on year, companies tag new product development as the #1 priority for growth. But as far as back as 2014, we see a majority of new products failing to reach their profit targets due to lack of pricing planning in the development stages.


C-level uplift

CEO ownership of pricing strategy and communication increases pricing power by as much as 35%, raising profits and shareholder value. Clear leadership and strategy, and CEO involvement are flagged as top priorities in achieving pricing excellence every study.


Want more insights?

Download our new executive summary from the latest Global Pricing Study.

Our summary and action points

Inflation prompted many companies to hike prices in 2023.

But did these increases cover all costs? And with the threat of deflation on the horizon, will this further squeeze profit margins in 2024?

Download our new executive summary from the latest Global Pricing Study and unlock action points to take into 2024 and beyond.

Pricing Revenue

We are the world’s leading pricing consultancy

As the first consulting firm to apply academic and scientific methods to tackling price optimisation, we take pride in delivering solutions to your real-world business challenges.

Simon-Kucher has been at the forefront of pricing and revenue management for decades.  We defined the discipline. It's part of our DNA; ensuring we make a real difference to our client's business performance.

Discover the world’s largest pricing database from the world's longest running pricing study.

Contact us and we'll walk you through: 
  • Topline sentiment on the economic climate for 2024 in your industry
  • Positioning of your company against key industry benchmarks
  • Crucial changes in pricing that players in your industry want to explore
  • Key commercial priorities to maximize revenue growth opportunities in 2024
  • Best approaches to defeat price pressure

Let us help you find your path to profitable growth. Talk to us today.

Discover how pricing touches every aspect of your business

In this must-read brochure we look at why pricing is one of your most effective levers for driving sustained profitable growth. Whether you’re a CEO, pricing manager, CMO, or head of sales, we discuss how each role within the organization can harness pricing to achieve revenue growth that is profitable and designed to last.

pricing study
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Our experts are always happy to discuss your issue. Reach out, and we’ll connect you with a member of our team.