Graphic Designer Javiera’s Three Years at Simon-Kucher

Graphic Designer Javiera Carrasco has been a key member of our LATAM team for the last three years. In that time, she’s made her mark on the Santiago office. Javiera reminisces on the friendships she’s made at work and highlights the importance of respecting the time you make for family, your passions, and yourself.

Hi Javiera, thanks so much for joining us today and telling us about your time at Simon-Kucher. Before we dive into your experience, could you tell us a little about yourself?

Sure thing! My name is Javiera (better known as Javi). I’ve been at Simon-Kucher for three years now. I’m a graphic designer in our Santiago office in Chile – where I was also born and raised.

Outside of work I love being a mom. I also enjoy video games and play hockey in my spare time. I’m, unsurprisingly, passionate about art. I like going to art galleries and drawing inspiration from artists I admire.

What do you like most about your job?

I love the cultural exchange. Because we’re such an international company I can meet people from all over the world every day.

It’s so exciting to get a glimpse into how colleagues who live miles away from me live their lives! Exchanging knowledge and ideas with people from different parts of the world who have different perspectives to mine makes my work so much more vibrant.

I also love my team – we’re like a big family. We touch base regularly and work really well together.

Could you describe some of the challenges and achievements you’ve experienced so far?

I joined Simon-Kucher in 2019, the year before COVID hit. Working alone, remotely was a constant challenge – as it was for many people. But I never stopped receiving support and help from my global team.

Outside of COVID, the marketing team in Santiago is small. It’s posed quite a few challenges in terms of workload, but it’s also been great to see how the team has grown recently – and continues to.

We’re always learning for better ways to communicate with the global teams, and how best to onboard new people. It’s a learning curve but amazing to be at the forefront of change and growth.

Speaking of Santiago, what’s the best thing about the office?

What I love most about the Santiago office is that there’s a real focus on teamwork and friendship. We always make sure to check-in on each other.

In general, I’d say that the LATAM team stands out for its energy – we’re very cheerful, and outgoing. I’ve met wonderful people: I’ve learned from them, and I know that no matter where I turn there’s always someone who’s willing to help.

What is the best piece of career advice you’ve received, and what advice would you give to people on the same career path?

Try not to take things personally and remember that sometimes you have to say no! Best advice I ever got!

I’d also stress the importance of keeping a good work-life balance. I try to distribute my time during the work week between my family and my job, but weekends are sacred. This is precious time that I can dedicate to my hobbies and my daughter.

I make sure to have moments of calm and tranquility and respect those “me” moments. That way, I can give myself a well-deserved break and feel refreshed for the week ahead.

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