Meet our New Board Members: Bhavin’s Story

In the first of this three-part series, we get to know one of our newest board members, Bhavin Manjee. Bhavin tells us what attracted him to the position, how his colleagues continue to inspire him, and what he hopes to achieve in this new role. 

Hi Bhavin! Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us about your time at Simon-Kucher. Before we begin, would you mind briefly introducing yourself? 

Of course, my name is Bhavin. I joined Simon-Kucher in 2016 as a Senior Director, in our New York office. I was elected Partner three years later, in 2019, and became a member of the board this year. 

That’s fantastic! Congratulations! What attracted you to the board?

I’ve always sought ways to make an impact in the communities I serve. I take tremendous pride in working at Simon-Kucher. That’s why I’m keen to leave a longstanding mark on this institution and help shape what we stand for.

I see serving on the board as an opportunity to amplify the impact that I have as a partner, and to be a voice not only for existing partners, but also for the talented teams that will continue to drive our business as future partners.

What key topics and initiatives would you like to personally champion during your tenure?

Scaling any organization through a growth stage is a challenge and an opportunity. For Simon-Kucher I see that as a fine balance between the pace at which we can absorb change and the ambitions we have to address, based on the market demand for our services.

We must continue to think long term. This will enable us to make the necessary investments today that will equip us to gain market share and meet our clients’ demands three years from now.

What is the best career advice you’ve ever received?

Think of yourself as the client. Consulting is a job where you have the privilege to guide management teams through some of the most consequential decisions they will make. It is imperative to deliver that advice by putting their interests ahead of yours, to learn everything about their business, and to earn their trust. Immersing yourself in the client’s organization and obsessing over details, while doing everything possible to make your clients’ lives easy are the keys to building such a relationship.

Who are your mentors and role models?

My father has had the most impact on my life. He is the wisest man I know, and he instilled a strong sense of ethics and discipline in me. Beyond this, I, like everyone, continue to evolve professionally -- not only from experiences, but also from interactions with others.

One of the aspects I love most about Simon-Kucher is our people and how varied their interests are. Our people have been a huge source of inspiration and personal and professional growth – I constantly learn from them.

What drives you?

Motivation for me is really a mindset, and it starts with loving the work we do. I take the responsibility of being a steward of this organization very seriously, and that pushes me to constantly look for ways to do things better. I thrive on the competitive nature of our industry, and love nothing more than exceeding client impact (especially after a competitive process). That requires a sharp mind that is constantly learning.

But to have a strong mind, you must also tend to your body. Here I find mindfulness, daily exercise, clean eating, high quality sleep, and quality time with friends and family as essential for my overall wellness.

Keep an eye out for our next installment to meet our other board members Dimitris and Omar.


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