A Day in the Life of Consultant Arturo in Santiago

Arturo Bulnes, Consultant in our Santiago office, joined Simon-Kucher a little over three years ago. What does a typical weekday look like for Arturo? We followed him for a day to find out:

8:00 a.m.:
I’m definitely not a morning person. That’s why I need to start my day with a run to be active from the beginning of the day.


9:00 a.m.:
I start work with a coffee, checking my inbox and the pending tasks set by myself the day before.

working at a computer

12:00 p.m.:
After a couple of hours of working at my desk and several Zoom meetings, I take some minutes for a break to move a little and have a healthy snack.

having a snack

5:30 p.m.:
I have an alarm set for this time. Here, I take a moment to check the tasks I have left, prioritize which ones I can finish, and decide which will be left for the next morning. This practice has helped to improve my work-life balance a lot during the pandemic.

working at a desk

11:00 p.m.:
At night, I close my usually screen-filled day by trying to disconnect a little, for example with a nice book.

reading in bed

Thanks for sharing your day with us, Arturo! 


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