Press Release

Simon-Kucher Releases 2021 Environmental Social Governance Report

The global report provides an overview of the consultancy’s global and local community efforts around social, environmental and workplace impact, as well as outlining the steps being taken to ensure a sustainable path to growth.

Simon-Kucher & Partners, a global strategy and marketing consultancy, today released its 2021 Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Report which provides an overview of the firm’s global and local community efforts around social, environmental and workplace impact. It has been prepared in accordance with GRI Global Reporting Standards, which allow organisations to report publicly on the impact of activities in a structured way.

Andreas von der Gathen, CEO, Simon-Kucher, is clear on the importance of ESG: “Together as a firm, we achieved extraordinary growth in 2021, a record-breaking year for us. With such impressive growth comes even greater responsibility – to our clients, to our people and to the world we live in. Our value proposition is to help firms grow in a better and more sustainable way and we are convinced that the future can deliver both - growth and sustainability. We recognize that success is closely tied to ensuring a more positive impact on the environment and we continue to be fully committed to putting Environmental Social Governance at the heart of Simon-Kucher.”

New ESG leadership positions

To reflect that importance, the firm created new ESG leadership positions in 2021 to integrate sustainability even deeper into its business strategy, led by Anne Rupp who joined as the company’s first Global Director, ESG.

Commenting on the report, Rupp said: “It is important to realize that ESG goes beyond corporate gestures. It extends into almost all business processes and leads to substantial organizational change. We will now move towards a more comprehensive and stakeholder-centric approach, tackling all three dimensions of ESG. In 2022, we will focus on establishing a baseline that enables delivering growth and sustainability for the benefit of our clients, people, suppliers and communities, recognizing our fundamental responsibilities to our planet and our society.”

Simon-Kucher’s 2021 ESG Report is now available - click here to read the report.

Simon-Kucher & Partners, Strategy & Marketing Consultants:
Simon-Kucher & Partners is a global consulting firm specializing in TopLine Power®. We help our clients achieve growth and profit targets by applying practical, evidence-based strategies. Simon-Kucher & Partners is regarded as the world’s leading pricing advisor and thought leader. The consultancy has more than 1,700 employees in 42 offices worldwide.

Press contact

Rachel Pope
Press | Boston, USA

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