Press Release

Interim financial statement 2017: Simon-Kucher is on track

Digitalization is driving the business forward

The first half of 2017 has been a success for Simon-Kucher & Partners. Overall the global consulting firm generated revenue of EUR 123.3 million worldwide in the first six months of the year – this represents growth of 6.1 percent year on year. The increase in new orders was particularly strong, reaching a solid EUR 138 million.

According to CEO Georg Tacke, the company’s continuing digitalization process is the main driver of business. “Most companies only see digitalization as a way to reduce costs. This is thinking too narrowly. We use digitalization as a tool to help our clients grow and increase profit.” In view of the high number of new orders, Simon-Kucher’s business is on an optimistic course for 2017. “We expect total revenue of around EUR 270 million”, Tacke explains.  

Financial Services, Consumer Goods & Retail, and Software/Internet/Media made significant contributions to this impressive mid-year result. Growth rates in these segments are twice as high as the company average. Every region contributed to the successful development of the business, while a particularly high growth rate was achieved by the Asia-Pacific region. “Our recently opened office in Hong Kong allowed us to fill a white spot on the map. We will now continue to strengthen our activities in this market”, notes Tacke.

Simon-Kucher’s international expansion will continue next year. A new office will open in Chicago in 2018, joining New York, Boston, Atlanta, San Francisco, and Mountain View, to become the company’s sixth location in the United States.

Simon-Kucher & Partners, Strategy & Marketing Consultants: Simon-Kucher & Partners is a global consulting firm with more than 1,000 professionals in 34 offices worldwide focusing on TopLine Power®. Founded in 1985, the company has more than 30 years of experience providing strategy and marketing consulting and is regarded as the world’s leading pricing advisor.

Press contact

Anne Angenvoort
Press | Cologne, Germany

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