Press Release

Another record-breaking year for Simon-Kucher

Revenue soars to 241 million euros

Bonn – Again in 2016 the global marketing and strategy consultancy Simon-Kucher & Partners significantly surpassed its own targets: Annual revenue soared to 241 million euros. This amounted to a 16 percent growth rate, once again way ahead of the industry average. “Right now, in times of digitalization, our consulting topics such as growth strategies, pricing, sales and marketing, are in demand like never before”, explains CEO Dr. Georg Tacke. “Many companies are wondering how they will continue to make money and grow sustainably in the digital future. This is exactly where we can help.”


With a revenue increase of almost 30 percent, the company’s strong business in the US particularly contributed to this fantastic year-end result. Furthermore, the consumer goods, life sciences, banking and construction industries displayed exceptional revenue development. By opening a second office in the Silicon Valley (now San Francisco and Mountain View) as well as additional offices in Hamburg, Geneva and Stockholm, Simon-Kucher expanded its international network to 33 locations, providing even better onsite support to its clients. With this revenue growth and global presence, the international team has also added 120 new hires to its current total of 980 associates and has selected 16 new Partners (now totaling 97).


Simon-Kucher currently has a strong focus on digitalization. While most companies primarily concentrate on the technical aspects of this topic (e.g. digitalizing processes, connecting products, machines and components, and generating a huge amount of data and information), revenue models are neglected. The fact is that in the digital age, many established business models are outdated. According to the results of the Global Pricing Study 2016, approximately 60 percent of all companies need to significantly adjust their revenue models if they want to remain successful. “That’s where we enter the game. This is our absolute core expertise”, says Tacke. “We help companies to revise and redevelop their revenue models so that the customers aren’t the only ones who substantially profit from the enormous advantages of digitalization, but also the companies. We make companies future-proof.”

Simon-Kucher starts 2017 with great motivation and as usual, the targets are set high: The consultancy aims to generate 275 million euros, with a planned increase in the number of associates to reach over 1,100. Additionally, they intend to continue their global expansion. Among other locations, new offices are set to be opened in Hong Kong and Shanghai.


Simon-Kucher & Partners, Strategy & Marketing Consultants:

Simon-Kucher & Partners is a global consulting firm with 980 professionals in 33 offices worldwide focusing on TopLine Power®. Founded in 1985, the company has more than 30 years of experience providing strategy and marketing consulting and is regarded as the world’s leading pricing advisor.


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