
Digital Solutions by Simon-Kucher: Elevating Top-Line Growth

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Elevate Growth

The digital age offers companies enormous opportunities to maximize revenue. Pricing, marketing, sales, entire business models – all of these can be optimized by digital solutions and software solutions. Simon-Kucher Elevate is our digital consulting business with a dedicated focus on top-line growth. Find out how we leverage it to optimize the entire customer journey by combining technology, data, and creativity with commercial consulting expertise.

Higher revenue by means of digital solutions: As a growth consultancy, Simon-Kucher is an expert in using digitalization and software solutions as growth levers. In our more than 35-year track record, we have helped clients from a wide range of industries and regions to achieve significant revenue and profit increases. On average, projects increase clients' profitability by 100 to 500 basis points.

Achieving growth is a team effort

However, we are convinced that effective projects and growth processes are only successful when they are achieved as a team. Consultants and clients need to work together. The latter as a company’s expert – its strengths, and challenges. The former as a specialist with many years of experience in scientific methods for successfully implementing innovations. The prerequisite? Clients must be willing to give up the status quo – only then can change be shaped profitably.

Simon-Kucher Elevate: Unleash your digital power

This also applies to the topic of digitization. It isn’t wise for companies to avoid it any longer. If you don't deal with it now, it could soon be too late. When it comes to digital solutions, we don’t make lofty promises. We rather focus on specific goals such as higher margins, more sales, and better customer loyalty. And our two new offerings deliver exactly that!

From our newly founded tech company Simon-Kucher Engine, clients receive simple and easy-to-implement software products that support them in making decisions – for example in pricing, sales, and marketing – optimally, quickly and, above all, automatically. As a market leader in the field of pricing, we know the challenges our customers face. Providing the right cloud-based products, developing intelligent algorithms, adapting digital solutions to customer needs, and implementing them unlocks further growth potential.

In addition, under the brand Simon-Kucher Elevate, we combine technology, data, and creativity with decades of topline consulting expertise The goal is to help customers fully capitalize on their digital potential. They receive tailored, first-class digital advice from a dedicated team of creative international consultants and digital specialists. Such as data scientists and customer experience designers, for instance to optimize e-commerce eCommerce offerings or define effective digital marketing strategies.

Creating value through hands-on digital solutions

Why is there an intensive need for digital consulting advice from Simon-Kucher Elevate and software solutions like the ones Simon-Kucher Engine offers? Unfortunately, many companies lack the knowledge and the specialists to transform technology and data into business success. And that's why some of them seem to be trapped almost in a state of shock and rather do nothing than the wrong thing. That’s a mistake.

Another challenge companies are struggling with is that many see digitization as a technology project. Although many businesses drive digital projects, very seldomly value is being created from digital. We want to change that. We focus on people and customers instead of IT and technical prerequisites. For us, it's about increasing revenue and margins and customer proximity – through data, technology, and creativity.

There's always a lot of talk about new digital business models and disruptive solutions that need to be developed. And a lot of money is often wasted on them. We focus on our clients’ core business and help them answer their pressing digital challenges in a very targeted and pragmatic way. For example, how to use digital to sell better, win more customers, inspire more customers, or set better prices through algorithms.

And we do this with passion and creativity. That's why most of our employees have a very practical background. We employ a large number of experts – e.g., data scientists and engineers – who help our customers use Big Data and Machine Learning to make fact-based decisions rather than gut-based. The choice between Fusion 360 vs Onshape reflects one tough decision businesses face in their digital transformation.

Or technology specialists who help our clients see through the jungle of top-line technologies. As well as customer experience designers who create better online and offline experiences, and other specialists for eCommerce, digital marketing, etc. We have these teams here in Germany, but also in the U.S., and Asia – and we are growing steadily and dynamically.

Any business can be digitized

Regardless of industry and focus, almost all customer journeys (i.e., the journey a customer takes before buying a product from you) – from the initial generation of attention and the arousal of interest, to the conclusion of the purchase or the need for service – have digital touchpoints today.

And that starts with simple-sounding things like a website, which should be rich with information and ideally adapted to the interests of potential buyers. All the way to highly complex technological support in sales or dynamic pricing depending on an individual’s estimated willingness to pay.

3 questions to Conrad Heider, Global Head of Digital

Why was Simon-Kucher Elevate created? 
Our goal is to optimize the digital points of a customer journey for our clients. To achieve this, we have networked all the competencies at Simon-Kucher so that our experts on digital go-to-market strategy, marketing, sales, and pricing work hand in hand.

What skills should Elevate consultants bring to the table? 
We employ various specialists and real practitioners, data scientists and engineers who help our clients make better decisions based on advanced analytics and machine learning. Also, customer experience designers who develop new (digital) customer experiences and directly prototype them into action. As well as tech strategy consultants and digital strategists and transformers who help drive top-line growth through digital marketing, digital sales, and digital pricing. To join us, initial practical experience in the above topics, in digital consulting, or tech start-ups, and enthusiasm for all things digital are very good prerequisites.

What does Elevate offer Simon-Kucher clients? 
Our USP is the close collaboration between industry experts in our company and our digital specialists. This means that customers receive a product from a single source, benefit from the experience of the world’s pricing market leader and practical digital topline expertise.


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