
Pricing as a Key Lever for Better Growth

Jeudi, 23, Mai, 2024

About the event

Join us on May 23rd, 2024, at the Saxon Hotel in Johannesburg where we will discuss practical insights to manage for profit and growth. Recognised as one of the world's leading pricing and growth specialists, Simon-Kucher will be hosting the second Better Growth forum in South Africa.

As many industries settle into relative stability after sustained high inflation, companies ask themselves if, in the face of input cost pressure and margin growth expectations, they have pushed pricing too far. Many categories are in volume decline, with companies seeing significant damage to their price image. Now more than ever, re-establishing the price-value balance and unlocking new pockets of growth is of critical importance.

We at Simon-Kucher recognise that sustainable business solutions are required to “unlock better growth”, which represents how we achieve better, higher-quality growth for clients by optimising long-term, sustainable profit.

Our experts will share their experience and knowledge on how to optimise pricing as a lever for better growth. Hear from two of your industry peers on how they’re tackling market headwinds and driving better growth in their companies, as well as a panel discussion where Simon-Kucher and industry leaders will discuss practical insights to drive growth outside of just the pricing lever.

Who should attend

This event is designed for business leaders in general management, commercial, or financial roles, who are serious about better growth. 


Participation in the Better Growth Forum is free of charge. As space is limited, your seat will be confirmed via a separate email.

Event details
  • In Person
  • Jeudi, 23, Mai, 2024
  • 14:00 - 18:00 SAST
  • Saxon Hotel, 36 Saxon Road, Sandhurst 2196, Johannsburg


14:00 - 14:30 SAST
14:30 - 17:00 SAST
Better Growth Forum

At this event, we will discuss ways to optimise pricing as a lever for better growth, and provide you with actionable insights, best practices, and case studies from projects showcasing the application of better growth strategies.​

A selection of speakers will touch on the following:​

  • Better Growth in practice
  • Growth opportunities in South Africa
  • Examples from the field from guest speakers
  • Unlocking growth beyond the pricing lever
17:00 - 18:00 SAST
Networking, finger foods and drinks


Johannesburg, South Africa
Senior Partner
London, UK
Sashin Moodley
Johannesburg, South Africa
Abdullah Sujee
Abdullah Sujee
External Event Speaker
	aerona nagooroo
Aerona Nagooroo
External Event Speaker


Saxon Hotel
36 Saxon Road
