Alexis Fagot

About Alexis

Alexis is a Director at Simon-Kucher in France. He has 12+ years of experience as a consultant specialized in B2B.

Alexis has worked on optimizing the pricing strategy of large French and foreign companies. His projects focus on marketing and pricing strategy, commercial excellence and innovation monetization. He mainly works for clients in the industrial (packaging, electronics, aeronautics), chemical and B2B distribution sectors.

He has relevant project experience in:

  • Packaging & Industry: global deployment  of pricing approach for a cosmetic packaging supplier, design and global implementation of decision support tools (including Peer Pricing) for salesforces & training, innovation pricing, and compensation scheme design
  • Aerospace: development of pricing tools to help salesforces optimizing their prices and monitoring dashboards to steer the performance, offer packaging to generate upsell and boost profitability, customer tiering and SLA redefinition
  • Electronics/Spares and Maintenance: value-based approach implemented (vs. cost+) to optimize spare parts pricing, redesign of maintenance pricing (alignment of methodology across countries to reflect local willingness-to-pay and streamline processes), and change management for a large group of stakeholders from different BUs

Alexis holds degrees from ESCP Europe (France) and Universidad de San Andres (Argentina).