Katsuyuki Tochimoto

About Katsuyuki

栃本 克之




早稲田大学 政治経済学部 政治学科卒

シカゴ大学 経営学部 大学院修士(MBA)

中央大学大学院 客員教授(2017年まで)


Katsuyuki Tochimoto is Managing Director, Japan.

He has many years of consulting experience and is an expert in growth strategy development, such as overall corporate strategy, marketing strategy, new business development, business portfolio management, scenario planning and M&As.

He has provided consulting services to various industry clients, including financial services, consumer goods, auto manufactures, restaurant chains, B2B manufactures and private equity firms.

Prior to joining Simon-Kucher, he worked at Bain, BCG, and Monitor Group (heading its Tokyo office) and founded his own strategy boutique, M-Theory Inc. He holds an MBA from the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business and has a bachelor’s degree in political science from Waseda University in Tokyo.

He was also a visiting professor at Chuo University, where he taught marketing strategy. He also gives lectures at various business seminars and conferences.

Katsuyuki's recent insights