
Most-Read Articles in 2020

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most read articles

The year 2020 brought with it incredible hurdles and transformation. However, one trend that did not change was the excellent content from our colleagues at Simon-Kucher, addressing the challenges and opportunities in some of the most affected industries.

From the many materials that our team shared during the course of 2020, here are the five most-read articles that stood out. They cover a variety of topics pertinent to the volatility of the crisis and the hurdles companies will need to overcome in the future - from how to work better together with customers, to building a more commercially agile organization and using digitalization as a top-line growth driver.

  1. Coronavirus
    How Should Industries Respond to COVID-19?
  2. Pricing
    Dos and Don’ts for a Crisis
  3. Healthcare
    Eight Predictions for the Post-COVID-19 World
  4. Digitalization
    5 Ways to Escape Pricing and Sales Pressure Digitalization
  5. Travel and Tourism
    New Survey about Travelling During COVID-19

This is just a sample of the material Simon-Kucher shares throughout the year, covering both business insights and stories from our employees. To make sure you never miss any of our articles, reports, videos, and much more, check out our latest insights.



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