Product innovation

Drive product excellence

Transform ideas into market-ready products by mastering the art and science of innovation.

Innovation allows you to differentiate your company from competitors, address customer pain points, and tap into new revenue streams. But it also involves navigating complex market demands, technological advancements, and changing customer preferences. At Simon-Kucher, we specialize in helping companies overcome these hurdles by providing tailored strategies, in-depth market analysis, and innovative solutions.

Creating a new product or service and introducing it to the market? From generating innovative ideas to developing, testing, and launching products, we are here to help.

Why is product innovation strategy important?

A product innovation strategy guides the development of new products or improvements to existing ones. It outlines the goals, processes, resources, and timelines necessary to bring innovative ideas to fruition. Introducing new products can drive growth, diversify revenue streams, and enhance market positioning. This helps you stay relevant by adapting to market changes and customer preferences.  

Product innovation isn’t merely about making superficial changes or minor updates to existing products. Simple rebranding or minor tweaks without substantial enhancements do not qualify as genuine innovation. True innovation requires significant improvements or entirely new developments that add real value to customers.

What are the different types of product innovation?

Incremental innovation

Making small, continuous improvements to existing products or processes helps you stay competitive, improve efficiency, and gradually enhance the customer experience. These innovations can also reduce costs and extend the life cycle of products. You can apply incremental innovation to existing products through enhancements in features, design, performance, and user experience. You can also explore new uses for products, update technology, or improve production processes.

Disruptive innovation

Some new products significantly alter or create new markets, often displacing established market leaders and products. These innovations typically start by addressing a niche market but eventually redefine industry standards. Companies that embrace disruptive innovation can gain significant competitive advantages and drive industry transformations.

Architectural innovation

Architectural innovation involves reconfiguring existing technologies and components into new products. This leverages current knowledge and technologies but combines them in unique ways to create new value propositions.

Architectural innovation is a powerful strategy for companies to stay competitive and relevant without the high risks and costs associated with radical innovation. By using proven technologies, you can introduce new products more quickly and with greater reliability and performance.

Service innovation

Innovation applies to both tangible products and intangible services. Service innovation might include new delivery methods, improved customer service experiences, or entirely new service models. This differentiation can lead to increased customer loyalty and open up new revenue streams, attracting new segments and expanding market share.  

Whether it’s creating a new physical product or enhancing a service offering, innovation should aim to deliver new value to customers. Connect with our experts to discuss your product innovation strategy.

What should the innovation process look like?

The process of creating a successful product innovation involves several stages: idea generation, concept development, prototyping, testing, and commercialization. It requires a systematic approach to identify opportunities, develop solutions, and bring them to market.

To ensure your products and services are viable, marketable, and meet customer needs, feedback is vital. Incorporate customer feedback early and often in the development process, creating prototypes and testing with real customers. Don't underestimate the importance of pricing and monetization strategies throughout to ensure your products and services are commercially viable.

The innovation process does not end at launch. Continuous monitoring and adjustments based on customer feedback and market performance are essential. This iterative approach ensures your product remains competitive and meets evolving customer needs. Analyzing market data, gathering customer feedback, and making necessary adjustments keeps your products performing well and generating revenue.

At Simon-Kucher, we advocate for prioritizing features and functionalities that customers value and are willing to pay for. This ensures new products meet real market demands and have a higher chance of success. We facilitate early customer involvement by organizing and conducting market research activities, ensuring that customer insights drive the innovation process.

Reach out to a Simon-Kucher specialist today

Which monetization model will work for your innovation?

Not all innovations lead to profitable products. Your focus should be on monetizable innovation, with a clear path to generating revenue. Evaluate your products and services not only for their technical feasibility but also for their market potential and revenue generation capability. This ensures you invest resources in projects with high commercial viability.

Choosing the right monetization model is crucial for the success of any product. The optimal monetization strategy should align with your product’s value proposition, customer preferences, market conditions, and your company's overall business objectives. Typical monetization models include:

To determine the best monetization model, conduct market research and customer interviews to determine how your target audience prefers to pay for similar products or services. This helps in choosing a model that aligns with their payment behavior. You can also study competitors’ monetization strategies to identify industry standards and potential gaps. Understanding what works in your market can guide your decision.

Evaluate the nature of your product and how customers will use it. For instance, if the product offers ongoing value, a subscription model might be more appropriate than a one-time purchase. Model different pricing strategies and revenue projections to understand the financial implications of each model. Consider factors such as customer acquisition costs, lifetime value, and churn rates.  

You may decide to pilot the model with a segment of your market, collecting feedback and performance data to refine the strategy before a full-scale launch.

It's also important to assess your company’s capabilities to support different monetization models. Subscriptions require robust billing systems and customer support, while a pay-per-use model needs precise usage tracking.  

Selecting the right monetization model is a strategic decision that requires a deep understanding of your product, market, and customers. Reach out to Simon-Kucher to identify the optimal strategy to maximize revenue and ensure innovation success. 

How to avoid the feature-price mismatch?

One common pitfall in product innovation is the feature-to-price mismatch. This is where products are either over-engineered or underpriced relative to the market's willingness to pay. Here's an example of over-engineering:  

A tech company develops a new smartwatch with an overabundance of advanced features such as biometric sensors, augmented reality, and more. However, these features significantly increase the cost of production. Customers only value core functionalities like fitness tracking and notifications and are unwilling to pay a premium for features they don’t use.

Solution: Through market research and willingness to pay studies, the company could have identified the key features customers are willing to pay for and avoided the costly mistake of over-engineering.

Here's an example of underpricing:  

A startup launches a high-quality kitchen appliance with innovative features that significantly enhance cooking efficiency. However, they price it similarly to basic models to gain market share quickly. Customers perceive the product as low-quality due to its low price, and the company fails to recoup its R&D investment.

Solution: Implementing value-based pricing and communicating the advanced features and benefits could help the company price the product appropriately and convey its true value to customers.

At Simon-Kucher, we help companies balance product features and pricing through thorough market research and pricing strategy. This alignment ensures products offer the right value at the right price. Contact Simon-Kucher to prevent costly mismatches and enhance your product’s market success.

What does innovation require from your organization?

Innovation requires a combination of creativity, strategic vision, resources, and a supportive culture. It's important to invest in research and development, encourage cross-functional collaboration, and be willing to take calculated risks. Leadership commitment and a customer-centric approach are also essential.

Effectively share ideas for product innovation through structured processes like brainstorming sessions, innovation workshops, and cross-functional teams. Utilize digital collaboration tools, encouraging open communication, and creating a culture that values diverse perspectives also promote idea sharing. Generating ideas can be achieved through various methods such as: 

  • Customer research: Understanding customer needs and pain points.
  • Trend analysis: Identifying emerging market trends.
  • Brainstorming sessions: Encouraging creative thinking within teams.
  • Competitive analysis: Learning from competitors’ successes and failures.
  • Collaboration with partners: Engaging with external partners for fresh perspectives.

Ready to transform your business with a culture of innovation? Simon-Kucher is here to help unlock your team's full potential, fostering creativity and driving sustainable growth. Contact us today

How we've helped

Innovate with Simon-Kucher

Value-based pricing

Focusing on customer willingness to pay from the early stages of development ensures innovations are both desirable and profitable. We help you implement value-based pricing by conducting extensive market research, customer interviews, and willingness to pay studies.

Product feature prioritization

Leveraging customer insights and WTP analysis, we help you prioritize product features that offer the highest value to customers. This prevents over-engineering and ensures your resources are focused on what matters most.

Monetization model selection

We advise on selecting the most suitable monetization model (e.g., subscription, pay-per-use) based on product type, market conditions, and customer preferences. This optimizes revenue streams and enhances market fit.

Go-to-market strategy

We develop robust go-to-market strategies that include positioning, messaging, and channel strategies. This ensures a successful product launch and accelerates market penetration.

Innovation culture

We help you foster an innovation culture and develop structured processes for ideation, development, and commercialization. This builds internal capabilities for innovation success.

Post-launch optimization

We provide continuous support to monitor performance, gather customer feedback, and make necessary adjustments. This iterative approach ensures your product remains competitive and meets evolving customer needs.

Get in touch

With almost 40 years of experience, we help you prioritize and implement the right commercial growth strategies to outperform market trends. We take a 360 degree approach to understand the behavior and needs of the market, combining our expertise and agile mindset with our client’s knowledge to unlock your sustainable, profitable growth potential and do so at pace.