Global Office Tour: Working at Simon-Kucher’s London Office

Consultant Micaela Solis tells us how welcomed she felt by everyone in the London office when she first started as an intern, and why she thinks the city is a great place to live and work.

Hi Micaela! Thanks for taking the time to show us around the London office. Would you mind introducing yourself?

Yeah! I’m Micaela, a consultant in the London office. I’ve worked here for just over two and a half years. I first started in the company as an intern in 2018, and then joined as a full-time consultant in January 2019.

What is it that makes the London office unique?

The first thing that struck me during my internship was how friendly and patient everyone was. It’s a huge reason why my onboarding was so easy, and what makes the London office a great place to work.

It’s quite a young team. So, for anyone interning, or joining straight from uni, it’s easy to make friends your own age. But then, on the flip side, it’s easy to approach anyone who has been working here for a number of years.

COVID or no COVID, we focus on the social side of things, to keep everyone connected. So, for the past few years we’ve been doing regular virtual events, but now that everything is opening up again we’re slowly going back to in-person monthly drinks and post-project dinners.

Summer Party

Does the office take part in any local charitable or sustainability-related initiatives?

Yes, actually, our office manager, Carmelina, has been working hard to make the office more sustainable. For example, we have a snack basket in the office that everyone knows and loves. All the snacks in there have now been replaced by products with recyclable packaging. We also have new recycling bins, and the office is powered with automatic lights, so there’s no risk of people leaving the lights on overnight.

Apart from sustainability we also focus a lot on diversity and inclusion. This month, we were finally able to host our first “Women in Business Coffee Morning” since the start of the pandemic. It’s an opportunity to bring all the women in the office together to discuss how they feel about their work environment in a safe space.

During the pandemic we also worked with an organization called The Talent Tap, which helps mentor young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. So, a few colleagues and I did a Zoominar talking about how to get started in consulting, and what it’s like. It was really rewarding.

What was your favorite office event?

We’re a very social office, so there’s a lot of events I could mention here. Recently, though, we had a Summer Event, which was special as it was the first time everyone in the office had seen each other in person since Christmas 2019. 

It was on a rooftop, so we had some beautiful views! There was a bowling alley, a photo booth, and my colleague and I created and hosted a quiz, which everyone enjoyed. I like events like this, because it’s a shared memory that everyone will be talking about for years to come.

London Summer Blast

What do you like most about living and working in London?

That is a good question. There are two sides to London which I love. On the one hand there’s so much to do. It’s such a big city, that every weekend you can go and discover a part of London you’ve never seen before. There’s so many restaurants to try, so many different activities to enjoy, so many new streets to walk. It’s cool.

But then, on the other hand, once you find your corner of London, it’s easy to feel cozy, homely, and local. I now live a short walk away from the office, and even though it’s central it still feels quite quiet. I’ve got friends in the area too, so it’s easy for us to hang out.

Since London has so much to offer, do you do any extra-curricular activities or sports?

I’m big into the gym. There’s a place called Gym Box around the corner from the office, which many colleagues go to. There’s a lot of classes there, which I like. I also love Spin classes, and there are lots of Spin studios in London, so I do it often.

London Active

What your favorite time of year in London?

I love the summer, because when I walk to work it’s still light outside. On my walk home from work, I go through Exmouth Market. It’s a beautiful cobbled street lit by fairy lights, lined with bars and restaurants. It’s nice to see the streets full of people again.

But I’m excited for autumn. Now that things have started to turn a little bit, I’m remembering everything that I like about this season. Things like drinking hot coffee, instead of ice coffee, getting cozy in the evenings, and watching TV.

Tower Bridge

If you could recommend one thing to see or eat in town what would it be?

I always take anyone who’s visiting me along the Regent’s Canal. It’s a canal that spans from the Thames in the East, across North London, all the way to the West. It’s a fantastic way to visit the city, as you walk past sights like Borough Market, Camden Town, and even Regent’s Park.

We actually have a food market near our office called Leather Lane. There’s a place there called Kin, which is a Pan-Asian street food café. The food there is delicious!

Regent’s Canal

Thank you, Micaela for taking time to show us around the London office today!

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