Case Study

Paving the way for CO2-reduced raw materials in the textile industry


Our client, a leading raw material producer for nylon, developed an innovation that saves up to 70% of CO2 emissions in production

They faced the challenge of how to effectively commercialize this innovation, despite their position in a long value chain

Applying the existing push model resulted in too high prices at the end of the value chain, negatively impacting their volumes.


As the client operates in a highly competitive and commoditized market, we strategically identified target customers

We created a pull by partnering with Brand owners who are at the end of the value chain, and devised flexible revenue models and pricing strategies to suit varying levels of vertical integration. Crafting a compelling “Perfect Pitch,” we equipped the client to engage potential customers effectively


The solution we delivered not only drove the commercial success

Of the carbon reduced product innovation by contributing to two buying customers and 22 LOIs in the first year, but it also catalyzed environmental awareness across the entire value chain.

