
Vehicle-to-Grid: The right monetization strategies will be key to the future success of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G)


With increasing renewable energy sources, the electric grid faces higher volatility and consequently increased instability that must be counteracted. One solution to reduce these effects and maintain a stable power supply system is Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G). According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), by 2030 a total of 230 gigawatts (GW) of electricity demand has the potential to be moved to off-peak hours by using V2G.

There are many initiatives and start-ups present in the global V2G field. Politics has realized the potential electric mobility - and V2G in particular - offers for reaching CO2 emission targets. Additionally, several privately funded start-ups and some established companies exist in the V2G landscape. However, there are several challenges for V2G technology to be successfully implemented in the future, and monetization is key.

Apart from rather small testing environments, initiatives are mainly focusing on technical aspects like load shifting and frequency regulation. Economic viability studies play a subordinate role, as commercial opportunities are often neglected or prioritized lower.

Using our cross-industry experience in Vehicle-to-Grid technology, we explain the key challenges to successful implementation, the different monetization aspects, and the golden rules for monetizing platforms and two-sided markets. Find out more in our whitepaper.

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