
Surviving The Resurgent COVID-19 Crisis

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Thinking right now about an “after corona” world – what we would normally call a recovery – will only divert resources from your company’s true existential challenge: surviving the wild roller coaster of the “with corona” period that will endure for the next 18 to 24 months until a vaccine becomes widely available. Commercial agility – a rare combination of capabilities – is what will separate the winners from the rest as the pandemic persists.

This paper explores four different scenarios where companies may find themselves during the crisis, and discusses what can be done to move to a better position, or defend a desirable one. You will learn how to respond to volatile demand and stresses on the go-to-market model, as well as how to turn the effects to your advantage. All recommendations in this paper are supported by the five pillars of commercial agility — the ability to make resilient design, sales, cost management, and pricing decisions with unprecedented speed and flexibility – over and over again – until some form of equilibrium returns to your market. 
Right now, disruption is occurring on an unimagined scale with no end in sight. There are no more excuses for waiting. Download our paper on Surviving the Resurgent COVID-19 Crisis today!

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