
Global Pricing Study 2021: Will the winners of 2020 prevail this year?

people in the shape of an arrow

2020 was a unique and challenging year for many.

In developing the seventh edition of our Global Pricing Study, we expected to see this reflected in the responses. Contrary to our expectations, we found that many companies emerged from 2020 with improved profit margins versus 2019. Digging deeper though, the survey showed that the majority of these 2020 profit wins were driven by demand increases and/or strong cost decreases.

So what does this mean for the future?

Looking forward, Simon-Kucher sees risks looming for many. Changing economic conditions and a rise in inflation could easily reverse the wins of 2020. Companies must reset for the future, maximize the opportunities of pricing as a lever, and adjust quickly to new market conditions and demands.

How future-proof is your companies’ commercial strategy? We hope you gain valuable insights from the following report.


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