
Audio interview with

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interview at a car showroom


Global Automotive Study: Top trends to look out for throughout 2023 and beyond

This 20 minute audio interview with Ron Hesse, President & CEO of and Simon-Kucher Partner, Matthias Riemer, discuss the top automotive trends to look out for throughout 2023 and beyond. Expanding on the results of the Global Automotive Study, Matthias answers the following questions:

  • How have customer sentiments changed given the current economic situation?
  • How do global automotive brand preferences develop in the light of electrification?
  • The study also investigated the transition towards direct and digital sales. What should automotive OEM and retailers be aware of across generations?
  • How do the overall trends you found within the auto industry translate into growth opportunities for businesses worldwide?

The 2023 Global Automotive Study surveyed more than 8,000 consumers across 20 countries and reveals valuable insights into the preferences, expectations, and purchasing behavior of automotive customers across the globe. By unlocking the key insights into the shifts in consumer sentiment and trends amid the most volatile automotive market ever, the results assist automotive manufacturers, dealerships, and related stakeholders to understand the key drivers influencing consumer decision-making. Discover more about the results and the areas to act on, by downloading the survey results here.


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